Surprising Isn't It? -Libby S

 Something that surprised me in the book was that Roxy killed the person who killed her mother, Primrose. This is only the second time we saw Roxy’s point of view so we were able to actually get to know more about Roxy’s family and how they work. Her family is involved with a lot of crimes and can be called a mob. At first we can see Roxy seemed maybe a little weak as we know how she used to lock herself in a cupboard but it was only for protection. Roxy was able to be very strong when trying to defend her mother at the beginning even though she didn’t know about her power. After her mother sacrificed herself so that Roxy would be okay we know how much Roxy is determined to avenge her mom. Right at Primrose's last moments he says to Roxy  “Your dad killed three of my boys that month”(pg. 58) and then Roxy replies with “You sent your men and they killed my mum”(pg. 58). This shows how Primrose's men were only sent to find Roxys father but his men killed her mother instead. Roxy’s father did kill 3 of his men but Roxy’s mother was not meant to be killed. Even though women started having this power we’ve only seen them use it to hurt people but not completely kill them. So Roxy’s just killing him made me surprised on what more the other women can do.
