Respect - Chloe Z

As the book progresses, we meet Tunde. Tunde is a 21 year old man in Nigeria who has the biggest crush on Enuma, a young woman. He watches her carefully, almost studying her features. Appreciating her soft giggles. Enuma and Tunde are outside by the pool, when Enuma decides to go get herself an ice cold coke. When she returns with the drink, Tunde sees his chance to talk to her. He jokingly thanks her for bringing her master a coke, and tries to wrestle the can away from her. This leads to the two play-fighting. While they tussle, Tunde is careful to not actually use force or hurt Enuma. At one point, Tunde feels a sharp pain in his hand, like an insect sting almost. However, when he looks to swat the bug away, all he finds in his hand, is Enuma’s palm. The pain spreads through his hand and up his arm, to a point where he so tense he can barely move. Tunde wonders if Enuma is meaning to do this, or if she even knew. Tunde avoids Enuma after the strange encounter, and he can’t help but think how she could overpower him if she wanted. To Tunde, this is arousing. I feel though this sends a powerful message about how men view climbing women today. When a woman processes more power over a man, the man may not even view her as a serious threat. Instead, men will still sexulized and fetishize women, as if sex is their only attribute to man. Even with the same or more power than a man, a woman will never gain the same respect, simply because she is a woman.
