How The Story Goes -Libby S

The book we’re reading has some powerful characters that have very interesting backgrounds. The quote “Genes are like the story, and DNA is the language that the story is written in.” by Sam Kean is something that can be seen in the novel. The genes in the book is the lightning bolt power only women have which is the genetic mutation that is the main plot of the book. It controls the storyline that we follow when reading, the genes are telling us this story about a certain power. The characters don’t know how the power suddenly appeared and we go along with how they figure it out. The DNA is the language that we hear the story from as there are many different characters that are telling us their side of the story. For example we get multiple different points of views from Roxy, Allie, Margot and Tunde. They are each telling us where they start in the book then their lives collide to join for the continuation of the story. The language we’re hearing is how differently everyone started out, every character had a completely different introduction. Roxy started out in her house with two men barging in to kill her mother but then comparing that to Margot, who is the mayor of the city she lives in and is trying to figure out what to do about the power causing trouble in the town. So we can see the major differences in point of views and how the power is ruling over how the characters will live their lives.
