Testing Limits -Acadia B

 “He reaches for her with one hand, the knife…Her mum’s mouth is open, she’s staring, her tears start falling.” (Alderman, 10). When I read this specific part of this book, all I can imagine in my mind is a young girl who is having her limits tested. The men are taunting her which leads her to having this episode where she does something that she felt like she’s always known how to do.  In my mind, I imagine her getting fueled up and feeling the anger rise within her which prompts her to lash out and do something she can only do once. “There’s a crackling flash and a sound like a paper snapper.”(Alderman,10). Those words helped me picture the scenario better and have a better understanding of how Roxy’s powers felt like. Having the description of what the surge of energy feels like really helps the readers understand better how the sudden energy comes from.
